Buka bersama PT Dragon pack 2023
Location : Cileungsi, Jawa Barat, INDONESIA
6 April 2023
Buka bersama adalah kegiatan rutin tahunan PT Dragon Pack pada bulan ramadhan dalam menumbuhkan kebersamaan seluruh team PT Dragon Pack
We are a creative studio focused on web design. Inspiration is the one
word we love and we put it into our work everyday.
We found 9 post(s) available for you
Location : ICE BSD, Tangerang, INDONESIA
16 – 19 Maret 2023
ALLFOOD Indonesia is the International Exhibition of Food and Beverage Products, Technology, Ingredients, Additives, Raw Material, Services, Equipment, and Supplies. Featuring: Bakery & Confectionery, Food & Hospitality, Food Ingredients, Healthy Food and Herbal, Retail & Franchising, Packaging.
Location : Grand Ballroom Sudriman, Bandung, INDONESIA
2 – 5 February 2023
BIFHEX Indonesia is the International Exhibition of Food and Beverage Products, Technology, Ingredients, Additives, Raw Material, Services, Equipment, and Supplies. Featuring: Bakery & Confectionery, Food & Hospitality, Food Ingredients, Healthy Food and Herbal, Retail & Franchising, Packaging.
Location : Factory Cileungsi, Jawa Barat, INDONESIA
26 November 2022
Sebagai bentuk kepedulian kepada orang-orang yang sedang dalam kondisi sakit dan membutuhkan donor darah, kami mencoba memberikan sebagian darah kami agar dapat membantu para pasien yang membutuhkan donor darah.
Mudah-mudahan sedikit bantuan dari kami dapat bermanfaat untuk para pasien yang membutuhkan donor darah.